Saturday, October 20, 2012

Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand and could change only one thing in/for my school I wish that each child had responsible and competent parents. If the kids in my school had good role models at home, I think that a lot of behavior problems could be alleviated but there are such a large number of students who have no positive example of what exemplary should look like from anyone but school staff. We also have a great amount of kids being raised by grandparents, and grandparents have a difficult time it seems filling in the role of parent. In most instances that grandparents are raising their grandkids is because the moms and dads are in jail or not allowed to have custody because of a variety of reasons, most usually relating back to drugs or DUI’s, and even some domestic violence charges.  If each child did have a positive home life, there would be more literate students coming to school, students would be engaged in appropriate settings and surroundings at home, and not be as aware of sex, drugs, and other things that fifth grade students and under should not know about yet. If I could wave my magic wand I would be able to increase the likelihood that students could have a fighting chance without struggle from where they come from to succeed in life.


  1. Alisha, we need to wave our magic wands together because our wishes are identical. This past week, I helped conduct drug abuse prevention lessons with early elementary students. I was shocked at the number of children in kindergarten and first grade who blurted out that their relatives abused alcohol and drugs. I also worked with a grandmother who was struggling to raise her young grandchildren because both parents are incarcerated. Counselors must fight on because, oftentimes, along with classroom teachers,they are the only role models some children have.

  2. I agree with your wish for the students’ parents to be more responsible and competent. My magic wand wish for this week’s blog assignment was for: parents to be more actively involved in their child’s education. Parents are always viewed as role models, whether they are making responsible choices or not. The atmosphere in a child’s home can have a great amount of impact on other areas of their life, especially their educational development.

  3. I agree with you. In today's society you I am almost surprised to find a child who has parents who really care. I have so many students who are being raised by addicts, or by someone other than their parents such as foster parents or grandparents. The students do realize this is not the way things should be.
