Sunday, November 4, 2012

Continued Learning as a Professional

Once this practicum course has ending I will continue to learn as a professional. Learning as a professional to me means that I will work to gain more knowledge and insight to school c counseling. Ways that I can gain more knowledge is to utilize the resources that I currently have. I have gotten to know some of the other counselors in my district and their experience is much greater than mine and I know that I still have a lot to learn from my professional peers. I think that it is important for me to belong to professional organizations like Kentucky School Counselors Association and the American Counseling Association. These organizations will serve as a reliable resource to new studies and research and current information. I will also need to seek out Professional Development as well. Professional developments will provide me with opportunities to meet knowledgeable peers in the field and provide interactions with other counselors that I might not otherwise have. As a lifelong learner I will also work independently to stay up to date on research, studies, and information that will benefit me in the counseling line of work. I have to maintain a vigilance to learn on my own and not solely depend on organizations and pd’s for my continued learning.


  1. I agree, it's important to get to know and maintain professional relationships with other experts in the field, especially in our working district. We can always learn from the knowledge and experiences of other school counselors, therapists, psychologists, and teachers. Having a group of professional peers can also create a support system.

  2. I, too, have learned so much from my professional peers. I have appreciated having the opportunity to work with two extremely experienced counselors in my district, one at the high school and one at the elementary school. The advice and support I have received from them will be extremely valuable to me when I obtain my first counseling position. Also, I have gained so much from my professor and practicum peers. I plan to continue my counseling blog and seek out the advice of those with experience working with students at all levels.
