Sunday, November 11, 2012

Counseling Free-Write

Throught this practicum experience I have come to fully realize just how much responsibility school counselors truly have. I have also come to understand how people who are not counselors understand so little about the job description yet think the know ~everything~. For instance, a couple weeks ago a situation came up where immediate actions had to be taken and authorities became involved. It is impossible to bring people in our school without the whole school community becoming in the know at what is ging on, or at lest what they think might be going on. People that I rarely see came up talking about what happened and had their story and was trying to explain what they thought should have been done to handle the situation. I made absolutely no response to their conversation and in my mind I cracked up at just how much people think they know compared to what they really know about a situation. In a way I was aggravated too. We deal with people from young to old, but nonetheless, people. I was aggitated to think how quickly some people dismiss that idea that people are people regardless. 

I have also had peole come up tp me and want to know when I will become a school counselor. I just reply to them that I don't know and will have to wait and see. Then the response I get is "well I hope you learned how to put a video in and let the class watch it, since that all you will have to do around here..." Again, I chuckle in my mind because statements like this come from the people who have no idea what a school counselor truly does.

So the metaphor in counseling for me, I link it back to my background of growing up on a farm, Counselors are cultivators. You work through challenges sometimes slowly and always with purpose and the outcome will be more productive, stronger, and able to stand on it's own.


  1. Alisha, your metaphor comparing counselors to cultivators is so true. As a counselor, you plant the seeds for growth, tend the plants while they are growing, and watch as you harvest healthy, productive crops, just like you do in leading your clients to productive outcomes. Your post really hit home with me this week. As counselors, we must promote our profession and educate others about the duties of a school counselor. A close friend of mine (and elementary teacher) said this week, "I don't think you would want to be an elementary counselor. All they do is go into classrooms and talk to students about boring stuff". You better believe that I set her straight. lol Promotion of our profession is paramount!

  2. A wise older counselor told me when I had some of the same frustrations as you about the lack of respect we encounter sometimes. She told me, "We have taught before so we understand what the teachers do, the teachers have not been counselors so they have no understanding of what we do". I try to remember that and just work as hard as I can to earn their respect.

  3. Alisha, you are wise to listen more than you speak at this stage of the game, my grandmother always told me to use the sides of my head more than the front, meaning my ears and not my mouth, you will encounter many people in education who have no understanding of what a counselor is or does, you will also, like myself these last several months, encounter counselors who couldn't counsel their way out of a brown paper bag. I don't know which is more aggravating. I know that I am very defensive about what I do as a human being that advocates for those without a voice, or those who just do not know what to say sometimes. I remember the first time I wanted to eat someone alive over on of my children, I had never experienced that emotion before, it was more than rage, I understood how a grizzly sow would destroy anything that was perceived as a threat to her cubs. Prepare will find yourself taking the same stance for many of your students. One of my colleagues was shocked to see this side of me last week when in a staff meeting I sat quietly while another counselor went on and on about what she knew....I took a deep breath and started with "ya know what" once I had finished everyone was just sitting there blinking. After the meeting one of the younger counselors came to my office and told me she thought i was just a big ol gray pussy cat until then. I had to laugh because I reminded her that kitties have claws for a reason but they only take them out when there is no other alternative. She laughed hysterically but got the message. You my dear friend are going to know exactly when to take out your claws when advocating for your profession but more importantly for you young charges. I love the reference to cultivation you made, you will love seeing the fruits of your labors in the future as well. I know that some in our class have been doing this for a long time, as I have. I'll never forget the first student who finished her PhD in molecular biology and came to see me when I was still at the university where I earned my undergraduate degree and was advising students. She walked in and the entire room lit up, she thanked me for all of my "soap box speeches" as she called them, and for making her believe in herself. Nothing in the world feels better and energizes one more than moments like that. You have many moments like that coming. I am proud to have you as a colleague.
